This build also comes with a brand new movelist. To know the exact changes done to the existing characters, please open the 'Changelog build 3 to 4.txt' file that's located in each character's individual folder which are located in the 'chars' folder. To gain knowledge about all the updates in more detail, please open the 'READ ME - UPDATES BUILD 3 to 4.txt' file that's located in the 'information & movelist' folder. This new build contains updates and rebalances to all the existing characters and adds new characters as well as a couple of new stages and a more polished screenpack. You can configure the buttons to be mapped somewhere else by starting up the game, going to the Options Menu and then Button Config. The default keyboard buttons are A, S, D for punches, Z, X, C for kicks, the arrow keys for movement and Enter for Start. Then go inside the root folder and launch 'HyperDBZ.exe'. Players can download this version of HBDZ:CB here and we have provided FClass97’s tutorial which provides information on how to set this game up for online play.Hello everyone! Team Z2 is proud to announce the next official update to our from-fans-to-fans fighting game built on the MUGEN engine - Hyper Dragon Ball Z! For those interested in learning more about I.K.E.M.E.N, we have an official page available here.

The latest version of this amazing fan made fighting game officially adds Picolo to the roster and additional balance changes for the rest of the cast.įor those unfamiliar with I.K.E.M.E.N, it is an application that is built on M.U.G.E.N’s fighting game engine which adds online multiplayer functionality.

Many are still feeling the hype from Namco Bandai’s latest reveal Dragon Ball FighterZ but with the game still very much far from done, you may be looking for something to scratch your Dragon Ball Z fighting game itch and we have just the thing for you!!įClass97 has officially released an I.K.E.M.E.N build of Team Z2’s latest Hyper Dragon Ball Z edition titled champ build. By thec0re3 0 Hyper Dragon Ball Z: Champ Build Now Available For Online Play!!